About My Job Bazar

Hey there! Welcome to My Job Bazar, a cool website that helps people find jobs, prepare for interviews and companies hire great folks.

I’m Mohd Majid, the guy who started this amazing website. Let me tell you a bit about us!

About myself

My Job Bazar came to life because I’ve worked in lots of different companies in the UAE and noticed that finding the right job or the right person for a job in the United Arab Emirates can be pretty tricky.

So, I thought, “Hey, why not create a place where job hunters and employers can meet without all the usual stress?” That’s how MyJobBazar was born, and since 2023, I’ve been making job-matching way easier.

Mohd Majid

What We’re All About

My goal at My Job Bazar is pretty simple: we want to help job seekers find awesome jobs and help companies find awesome people.

We believe that when the right people and the right jobs come together, amazing things can happen.

We’re all about making job hunting and hiring a breeze, so everyone can focus on what they do best.

Meet the Boss (That’s Me!)

I’m Mohd Majid, and I’m the brains behind My Job Bazar. I’ve had the chance to work in different places and industries, which taught me a ton about what works and what doesn’t in the job world.

I’m super passionate about connecting talented people with opportunities that can change their lives. My dream is to build a community where everyone grows together.

Learning Never Stops

I studied at Shibli National College in Azamgarh, India. Yep, I’ve got a Bachelor’s degree from there. My time at college gave me some really important skills like problem-solving and leadership. Education is like the foundation of a cool building – it’s where everything starts.

So, if you’re looking for a job or looking to hire, My Job Bazar is here to help.

We’re all about making things easy and awesome. Thanks for being a part of our journey to make job searching and hiring as smooth as butter!

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